
Publication can be requested, and then I’ll email them.

Refereed Journal Articles


Dori-Hacohen, G. (2020) From Participating to Derogatory: The “Arab” voice and its absence in two areas of the Israeli Public Sphereh. Israel Studies in Language and Society, 14(1-2), 257-289 [hebrew]

Reijven, Menno H. Cho, Sarah, Ross, Mathew & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2020). Conspiracy, Religion, and the Public Sphere: The Discourses of Far-Right Counterpublics in the U.S. and South Korea. International Journal of Communication, 14, 5331-5350.

Reijven, Menno H., Grimshaw, Eean & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2020) “That’s Not Funny!” Identity and the Organization of Interaction on U.S.A. Entertainment-Political Interviews. Discourse, Context, & Media. (*Graduate Student, Department of Communication, UMass Amherst)

       Montenegro, Roberto E. & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2020). Negotiating Morals in Sugar Talk: Presenting Blood Glucose Levels in Routine Diabetes Medical Visits. Social Science and Medicine.

      Dori-Hacohen, G. (2019). The “Long List” in Oral Interactions: Definition, examples, context, and some of its achievements. Pragmatics.

   Avalos, Xima, and Dori-Hacohen, G. (2019). Criticism, Consensus, and Fandom:  Demonstrated practices from a Sports Facebook fan page. Discourse, Context & Media, 29, 1-9.  (*former Graduate Student, Department of Communication, UMass Amherst)

Bracha Nir, Irit Mayost-Abramovich, & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2019). Balancing institutional authority and children’s agency: The Hebrew verb lircot [to want] in Speech Language Therapy sessions. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 10(2), 153-178.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2019). “Hitlahamut”: a term for unreasonable populist public talk in Israel. Discourse and Society, 30 (2), 135-153.

Maschler, Yael and Dori-Hacohen, G. (2018). Constructing a Genre: Hebrew (‘ani) lo yode’a / lo yoda’at ‘(I) don’t know’ on Israeli Political Radio Phone-ins. Text & Talk, 38(5), 574-604.

Livnat, Z., Dori-Hacohen, G., (2018). Indexing membership via responses to irony: Communication competence in Israeli radio call-in shows, Language & Communication, 58, 62-79.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2017). Creative Resonance and Misalignment Stance:

Achieving Distance in One Hebrew Interaction. Functions of Language, 24(1), 16-40.

Assouline, Dalit, & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2017). Yiddish across borders: Interviews in the Yiddish ultra-Orthodox Jewish audio mass medium. Language and Communication, 56, 68-81.

Weizman, E. & Dori-Hacohen, D. (2017). Commenting On Opinion Editorials In On-Line Journals: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Face Work In The Washington Post (USA) And Nrg (Israel). Discourse, Context, Media, 19, 39-48.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2016a). HaTokbek Kemilat Mafteakh: hapotentzial ledemotratya karnavalit hademokrati vehamtziut hademokratit hamugbelet. [The Tokbek as an Israeli Term for Talk: The potential for democratic carnival and the defective democratic reality]. Israel studies in language and society, 9(1-2), 164-183. [Hebrew]

Dori-Hacohen, G., & Livnat, Z. (2015). Negotiating norms of discussion in the public arena: The use of irony in radio phone-in programs. Journal of Communication, 65, 909-931. doi:10.1111/jcom.12186

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2014a). Spontaneous or Controlled: Overall Structural Organization of Phone-ins in Two Countries and their Relations to Societal Norms. Journal of Pragmatics, 70, 1-15. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2014.05.010

Nir, B., Dori-Hacohen, G., & Maschler, Y. (2014). Formulations on Israeli Political Talk Radio: From Actions and Sequences to Stance via Dialogic Resonance. Discourse Studies 16(4), 534-571. DOI:10.1177/1461445613519525

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2013). “Rush, I love you”: Interactional Fandom on American Political Talk-Radio. International Journal of Communication, 7, 2697-2719.

Dori-Hacohen, G. & Shavit*, N. (2013). The Cultural Meanings of Israeli Tokbek (Talk-Back Online Commenting) and their Relevance to the Online Democratic Public Sphere. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 6(4), 361-379. DOI:10.1504/IJEG.2013.060649 (*Graduate Student, Department of Communication, UMass Amherst)

Dori-Hacohen, G., & White,* T.T. (2013). “Booyah Jim”: The Construction of Hegemonic Masculinity in CNBC ‘Mad Money′ Phone-in Interactions. Discourse, Context and Media 2, 175-183. DOI:10.1016/j.dcm.2013.10.001 (*Undergraduate Student, Department of Communication, UCSD)

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012a). Gatekeeping public participation: An ethnographic account of the Production Process of a Radio Phone-In Programme. The Radio Journal – International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 10(2), 113-129. DOI:10.1386/rjao.10.2.113_1

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012b). The Commercial and the Public “Public Spheres”: Two Types of Political Talk-Radio and their Constructed Publics. Journal of Radio and Audio Media, 19(2), 134-51. DOI:10.1080/19376529.2012.721836

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012c). Types of Interaction on Israeli Radio Phone-in Programs and the Public Sphere. Javnost-The public, 19(3), 21-40.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012d). “With whom do I have the pleasure?”: Callers’ Categories in Political Talk Radio Programs. Journal of Pragmatics, 44(3), 280-297. doi:

Thompson, G., & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012). Framing Selves in Interactional Practice. Electronic Journal of Communication, 22(3-4).

Maschler, Y., & Dori-Hacohen, G.  (2012). From Sequential to Affective Discourse Marker: Hebrew nu on Israeli Political Phone-in Radio Programs. Discourse Studies 14(4), 419-455. DOI:10.1177/1461445612450374

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2011a). “I have a question for you”: Practices for Achieving Institutional Interaction in Israeli Radio Phone-in Programs. Pragmatics 21(4), 527-548.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2011b). Integrating and Divisive Discourses: The Discourse in Interactions with Non-Jewish Callers on Israeli Radio Phone-In Programs. Israel Studies in Language and Society, 3(2), 146-165. [Hebrew]

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2010). ‘You nag so much’: Description of Confrontational Discourse between two Women. Hebrew Linguistics 62-63, 201-230 [Hebrew]

Hacohen, G., & Schegloff, E.A. (2006). On the Preference for Minimization in Referring to Persons: Evidence from Hebrew Conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 38(8), 1305-1312. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2006.04.004

Hamo, M., Blum-Kulka, S., & Hacohen, G. (2004). From Observation to Transcription and Back: Theory, Practice, and Interpretation in the Analysis of Children Naturally Occurring Discourse. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 37(1), 71-92. DOI:10.1207/s15327973rlsi3701_3

Blum-Kulka, S., Blondheim, M., & Hacohen, G. (2002). Traditions of Dispute: from Negotiations of Talmudic Texts to the Arena of Political Discourse in the Media. Journal of pragmatics, 34(10-11), 1569-1594. DOI:10.1016/S0378-2166(02)00076-0

Hacohen, G., & Hamo, M. (2002). From Observation to Transcription: Theory, Practice, and Interpretation in Children Naturally Occurring Discourse. Script, 3-4, 55-74. [Hebrew]

Avni, H., Hacohen, G, & Habib, T. (2002). Creating Coherence in Story Entry in Children’s Spoken Discourse.  Script, 3-4, 111-126. [Hebrew]

Refereed Book Chapters

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2019). “”I can do math, but I”m not that smart. I”m not brilliant”: Ordinariness as a discursive resource in U.S.A radiophonic financial call-in interactions. In Fetzer, A. & Weizman, E. (eds.) Doing Ordinariness in Media Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 133-156.

Van Over, Brion, Dori-Hacohen, Gonen & Winchatz, Michaela R. (in press). Policing the Boundaries of the Sayable: The Public Negotiation of Profane, Prohibited and Proscribed speech. In Michelle Scollo & Trudy Milburn (Eds.) Engaging and Transforming Global Communication through Cultural Discourse Analysis: A Tribute to Donal Carbaugh. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press. 195-217.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2016b). Tokbek, Israeli Speech Economy, and other Non-Deliberative Terms for Political Talk.  In D. Carbaugh (ed.), Communication in Cross-cultural perspective. Volume in the International Communication Association Handbook Series. New York: Routledge, 299-311.

Maschler, Y., & Dori-Hacohen, G (2016). Hebrew nu: Grammaticization of a Borrowed Particle. InAuer, P. & Maschler, Y. (eds.) NU and NÅ: A Family of Discourse Markers Across the Languages of Europe and Beyond.  Berlin:  Walter de Gruyter. 162-212.

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2014b). Establishing social groups in Hebrew: ‘we’ in political radio phone-in programs. In Pavlidou, Theodossia-Soula (ed.) Constructing Collectivity: ‘We’ across Languages and Contexts (pp. 187-206). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Livnat, Z., & Dori-Hacohen, G. (2013). The effect of irony in radio talk-back programs in Israel. In: Fetzer, A. (ed.), The Pragmatics of Political Discourse: Explorations across cultures (pp. 193-217). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Dori-Hacohen, G., & Maschler, Y. (2013). Saman Hasiax ‘nu’ betoxniyot hasikha hatziburit baradyo [The Discourse marker nu on the public radio phone-in programs]. Ben-Shahar, R. & Ben-Ari, N. Ha’Ivrit Safa Khaya Vav [The Hebrew – Living Language Vol. 6] (pp. 86-106). Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hame’ukhad and HaMakhon HaIsraeli LePoetica and Semiotica al shem Porter Tel-Aviv University. [Hebrew]

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2012e). Thank you our reporter: Interactional aspects of the story delivery in television news. In: Hamo, M., et. al. (eds.): Media, Utterances, Meaning, a book in honor of Shoshana Blum-Kulka (pp. 318-348). Jerusalem: Magenss publication, The Hebrew University Press. [Hebrew]

Blum-Kulka, S., Blondheim, M., & Hacohen, G. (2008). Traditions of Dispute: From Negotiations of Talmudic Texts to the Arena of Political Discourse in the Media. In: Nayger, M., M. Blondheim & T. Liebes (eds.): Reporting as Storytelling: Views on the Media Discourse in Israel, a book in honor of Yitzkhak Roeh (pp. 245-274). Jerusalem: Magnes. [Hebrew]

Refereed & Commissioned Encyclopedia Entries

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2015a). Radio Talk: Discourse. In: Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.). The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi042

Dori-Hacohen, G. (2015b). Radio Talk: Political. In: Tracy, K., Ilie, C. & Sandel, T. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction. Boston: John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi044

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Hacohen, G. (2007). Narrative and Argumentation in Israel radio phone-ins. In: Van Eemeren F., Blair, J.A., Willard, C.A. & B. Garssen (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th ISSA conference (pp. 549-556). Amsterdam: SicSat.